Flyer with older adults exercise
Brooks Family YMCA

FREE event for members & guests age 55+


Wed. May 29, 9am-11:30am

Water Fitness Class: 9am

Dance Lively Demo: 10 - 10:20am

Balance Class Demo: 10:30 - 10:50am

Chair Yoga Demo: 11 - 11:20am

IvyRehab: Free posture screenings

UVA Audiology: Healthy Hearing & Aging

JABA: Jefferson Area Board for Aging

Aetna: Information on Medicare

PACE : The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly

Alzheimer's Association

Chinese Medicine/Acupuncturist

Blood Pressure Checks

Mah Jongg Game: Introduction to the basics

Information On: Monthly Book Club, Lunch & Learn, Nutrition Programs

QUESTIONS ? Contact Jeri at [email protected] / 434.270.7535


Brooks Family YMCA - 151 McIntire Park Drive - Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 - (434) 974-9622 -